Two films for business
Our Planet: Too Big To Fail
Our Planet: Our Business
Why is the Arctic or the Amazon rainforest important to your business? If you want an inspiring way to engage your colleagues on what climate change and nature loss mean to your business, screen one of the Our Planet business films at a virtual, hybrid or physical event.
Created by the Emmy® Award-winning Silverback Films and WWF, Our Planet: Too Big To Fail and Our Planet: Our Business have been produced specifically for a business audience and are perfect for ‘at work’ screenings. The films show what is at stake from a changing planet and provide inspiration on how any business, of any size, can get involved in the solutions. Explore this site and find out how you can run an event using one of our films.
Background to the films
In April 2019, Our Planet, the award-winning 8 part natural history series launched globally on Netflix. A major, multi-year collaboration between WWF, Netflix and Silverback Films, the series brings WWF’s Living Planet Report to life and shows why the natural world matters to us all.
Following requests from the private sector asking “What can business do?” we created two films specifically for a business audience. Our Planet: Too Big To Fail and Our Planet: Our Business show the immense value of nature to our economy, the scale of the challenges that we are facing, and the critical role that business and finance can play in creating solutions at scale.
What’s the difference between the two films? Our Planet: Too Big To Fail is aimed at the finance community and shows the crucial role the finance sector can play in accelerating a sustainable future. Whereas, Our Planet: Our Business is aimed at the wider global business community and how it can help to tackle the environmental crisis. Each film provides 5 goals businesses can work towards and includes visionary interviews with inspiring leaders from around the world.
What is WWF’s Living Planet Report?
The Living Planet Report, WWF’s flagship publication released every two years, is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet. Our 2020 edition has sadly revealed that since 1970, there has been on average a 68% decline in global wildlife populations, driven largely by land conversion and deforestation to grow the things we buy and consume.
The staggering decline in wildlife species populations we are seeing can only be reversed through concerted will and action, better understanding of the links between nature and human health and each of us using our natural resources more sustainably.
Business and finance depend on nature and the goods and services that healthy natural systems provide. Our Living Planet Report Business Briefing explains why the private sector has such a huge stake in the natural world and how it has a critical role to play in reversing its decline.
“There is no prosperity on a dead planet.”
— The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales