Our Planet: Too Big To Fail


How can the finance sector power a sustainable future?

Our Planet: Too Big To Fail is a story that everyone in finance needs to hear. The film answers the question: How can the finance sector join the fight for our world?

Created by Emmy® Award-winning Silverback Films and WWF, this 42-minute online film shows the impact of investing-as-usual on the planet and uses the stunning Our Planet footage from the Netflix series, plus a series of thought-provoking interviews with some of the most influential names in the sector, to show the role the finance sector can play in the transition to a sustainable future.

Hear from climate champions Mark Carney and Tavaziva Madzinga, pioneers in sustainable finance Hiro Mizuno, Bevis Watts and Steve Waygood, leading figures in economics Sir Partha Dasgupta and Kate Raworth, and campaigners Richard Curtis and Catherine Howarth, amongst others, on how the sector can step up to take this challenge seriously.

If you work in finance, or are simply interested in this important topic, we encourage you to use Our Planet: Too Big To Fail to engage your colleagues and peers by hosting a screening of the film within your organisation.

Watch the film


The film calls on the finance sector to pursue 5 overarching goals to help the environmental crisis

© Araquém Alcântara / WWF-Brazil

© Araquém Alcântara / WWF-Brazil


Understand and minimise your risks

Commit to reporting all your environment, social, governance (ESG) and climate risks (through the TCFD and support the creation of the TNFDs).

© WWF / Simon Rawles

© WWF / Simon Rawles


Declare and halt your negative impact

Over the next decade we need to halve greenhouse gas emissions and align to the Paris targets, halt the destruction of nature, and invest in restoring the natural capital that drives our economies.

© Shutterstock / Chepko Danil Vitalevich / WWF

© Shutterstock / Chepko Danil Vitalevich / WWF


Consider all stakeholders in decision-making

Align investments with the values of savers so that the impact on people and planet is prioritised alongside financial returns

© Greg Armfield

© Greg Armfield


Seize new opportunities

Ensure all investments and lending have positive impact on people and planet.

© Vassilis Kokkinidis / WWF-Greece

© Vassilis Kokkinidis / WWF-Greece


Help build the new system we need

Commit to working across sectors and with government to devise policies and frameworks that accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy.


Quotes from the film…


“Every decision made in the finance industry results in real world impact in nature”

Catherine Howarth, CEO of ShareAction

“The biggest risk is inaction. Inaction today.”

Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance

“The role of finance is to provide capital to the people who have great ideas”

Hiro Mizuno, former Executive MD and CIO of GPIF


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We encourage you to write about your screening and the film on your social channels. Make sure to use the hashtag #OurPlanetTooBigToFail. Click the icons below to get sharing.

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